Triumph After Trauma

Ep. 94: Three Reminders/Lessons I Always Come Back To When Life Gets Hard

Kaitlin McAloney Episode 94

Welcome back to the podcast, friends!

If you're new here, I'm so glad you found my show and we're now connected!

We always have a lot going on behind closed doors, and not everything going on behind the scenes will come to the fore front. Whether you are an open book or like to keep all non-professional parts of your life private, it's a fact that we have something going on no one but the actual parties involved know about.

Life can be overwhelming, unfair, and scary. Our bodies can do both incredible and terrifying things. Society puts us under unfair pressures far too often.

No matter what my circumstance is, what's going on with my body, or how confusing/unfair life may feel there are certain lessons and reminders I always come back to in my toughest moments. These three reminders keep me going and help me stay optimistic when it gets hard to do.

If you resonate with the topic of our chat, DM me on Instagram (@thisiskaitey is my handle) so we can connect more! If you know someone who needs to her this episode, share it on social media and tag me so I can thank you for helping spread the word about Triumph After Trauma! I'm so dang grateful to be connected to you <3