Triumph After Trauma

Ep. 87: "Small" Daily Habits That Benefit My Mental Health + A Chat About The Journal I'm Publishing!

Kaitlin McAloney Episode 87

Welcome back to the show, friends!

If you're new here, I'm so glad you've found my podcast and we're now connected!

There is a lot of stigma surrounding mental illness and many misunderstandings about how people should take care of theirs. What kind of resources, habits, and support an individual needs depends on what they're diagnosed with - mental health is complex.

I'm diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder and dysthymia, and personally have found over the years that being consistent with certain daily habits (that seem small to most people) has a positive impact on my mental health. 

Of course things like therapy and medication are important, but a lot of people overlook the power of small daily habits, especially for people who are diagnosed with a mental illness/disability. Today, the power of five specific habits I'm committed to every single day we're going to chat about!

If you try any of the habits monthly - please stay committed to them for at least one month to understand what benefits there are! And when you've been consistent for at least one month, don't hesitate to DM me and let me know what said habit does for you!

If you resonate with this episode, send me a DM on Instagram (@thisiskaitey is my handle) so we can connect more! If know someone who should or needs to hear this, share the episode on social media and tag me so I can thank you for spreading the word about Triumph After Trauma! I'm so dang grateful we're connected <3