Triumph After Trauma

Ep. 79: Using The Three R's To Truly Heal From/Break Traumas

Kaitlin McAloney Episode 79

Welcome back, friends!

If you're new here, I'm glad you found my podcast and we're now connected!

From the title of this podcast, I'm sure one can guess that trauma and mental health are my main focuses here. As a human diagnosed with anxiety and dysthymia (a mild but long lasting form of depression), and who has experienced more trauma than I would like, taking good care of myself/my mental health is important. 

What I need differs depending on my season of life and circumstances, but I'm always looking for new ways to care for myself or activities/practices to add to my toolkit. While looking into trauma and doing research, I came across an intriguing Ted Talk by M.D. Dr. Candice Jones.  

You can learn more about her here;

She spoke about the three R's that are mandatory if you want to work through and heal from trauma, including family or generational. I thought this was powerful, and wanted to share this information with you. Tune in for a great conversation about what the three R's are, why they're so important, and some of the "aha" moments learning about these three R's gave me.

If you resonate with this episode, send me a DM on Instagram (@thisiskaitey is my handle) so we can connect more! If you know someone who needs to hear this, share it on social media and tag me so I can thank you for spreading the word about Triumph After Trauma! I'm so dang grateful we're connected <3