Triumph After Trauma

Ep. 27: We're All Wired Differently And It's Not A Bad Thing

July 26, 2022 Kaitlin McAloney Episode 27

Do you ever feel like what makes you different from people makes you bad, wrong, or like you're not enough? You're not alone. I've been there, and people you both know and love I'm sure have been too.

There was a time I was ashamed of having an anxiety disorder, a form of depression, I hated being petite, etc. Essentially everything that was different from whoever I was hanging out with at the time I assumed made me wrong,  bad, ugly, unlovable even. 

Here's the thing, that is some bullshit ideal created by the society obsessed with those "celebs" who at the end of the day are just as much regular people like us and past generations who believed in some things I question. Just because society or your ancestors would claim a mental illness, your quirks, or your size/shape/etc makes you different but bad doesn't mean that is in fact the case. Yes these things make us all different, but these differences are a damn superpower. Our differences are magic. How do I know that? If we are all the exact same, life would be predictable and super boring. That's how I know!

If you need a reminder your differences make you beautiful and unique, and are a superpower.. here it is! I hope this episode helps you view yourself in a different (hopefully brighter) light. If it does help you, DM me on Instagram (@thisiskaitey) and let me know, so we can better connect! If you know someone who needs to hear a message/reminder like this, share the episode on social media and tag me so I can thank you for spreading the word about Triumph After Trauma! 

I'm grateful to know you, and have you all on this journey with me! Let's keep growing and thriving <3