Triumph After Trauma

Ep. 57: Talking About Little T And Large T Traumas

September 12, 2023 Kaitlin McAloney
Triumph After Trauma
Ep. 57: Talking About Little T And Large T Traumas
Show Notes

All trauma is valid, I want to start by saying that.

But, the kind of resources/support we need to work through our trauma is different. I have learned recently about little T and big T trauma, and how knowing (when working through a specific event/experience) which type of trauma you're working through can not only help you understand better what kind of help you may need/most benefit from, but also take steps to get the right support.

As someone who is pretty strong on the "all trauma is valid" outlook, I have never really stopped to think about it this way. However, I will say learning about this has quickly put a lot right into perspective for me!

If you resonate with this episode, please don't hesitate to reach out on Instagram (@thisiskaitey is my handle), so we can connect more! And if you know someone who needs to hear this, share the episode and make sure to tag me so I can thank you for spreading the word about Triumph After Trauma! I'm so grateful to be connected <3